
Athletes Foot- Tinea Pedis

What’s This Study About?

We’re studying a new way of applying a marketed product as a foot spray designed to tackle athlete’s foot (that annoying, itchy skin between your toes). This study is about ensuring it works as intended. The study is approved by the FDA.

Who Can Join?

Anyone with athlete’s foot aged 9 and above can sign up, but we’re particularly seeking kids and teenagers aged 9-17.

What Will My Son/Daughter Need to Do?

  • Must have redness, itching, stinging, cracking, peeling between the toes
  • Have a physical exam by the physician
  • Our medical staff will apply the foot spray 
  • Must attend 12 visits over 6 weeks to our clinic
  • Be willing to have blood drawn
  • Must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian 

By participating in this study, you can earn up to $1,850.

Please feel free to call us with any safety concerns or questions.